Fee Statement

Updated on
January 15, 2024


General specifications:

  • Minimum loan amount: $   500
  • Maximum loan amount: $ 2,000
  • Minimum repayment period: 1 month
  • Maximum repayment period: 12 months

Interest, Fees and changes:

  • Establishment Fee 20% of original loan amount
  • Monthly Fee: 4% per month of the original loan amount
  • Overdue Account Fee: Zero
  • Early Repayment Fee: Zero
  • Dishonour Fee: $10 but if you call us before, we’ll waive it.

Other specifications:

  • Repayment frequency: Weekly or fortnightly
  • Redraw: Not available
  • Early repayment permitted: Yes


General specifications:

  • Minimum loan amount: $ 2,001
  • Maximum loan amount: $ 5,000
  • Minimum repayment period: 1 month
  • Maximum repayment period: 12 months

Interest, Fees and changes:

  • Establishment Fee $400
  • Interest (APR): 47.8%  
  • Overdue Account Fee: Zero
  • Early Repayment Fee: Zero
  • Dishonour Fee: $10 but if you call us before, we’ll waive it.

Other specifications:

  • Repayment frequency: Weekly or fortnightly or monthly
  • Redraw: Not available
  • Early repayment permitted: Yes


  • An annual percentage rate (APR) does not apply to Small Loans.
  • Medium Loans have an APR of 47.8% p.a.  The comparison rate for a Medium Loan of $3,000 over 52 weeks with a $400 Establishment Fee is 79.17% p.a.
  • WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.