Frequently asked questions

Here's answers to most frequently asked questions.

Discovering Speedle
Who is Speedle?

Speedle is not just a lender; we're your financial sidekick here to make lending as accessible and enjoyable as a weekend picnic. We're all about smart solutions for those craving small to medium-sized loans.

Why is Speedle Incredibly Fast?

We're addicted to tech and innovation! Your time is precious, and that's why we've jazzed up our processes to give you the fastest, most enjoyable lending experience ever.

What Sets Speedle Apart?

We're all about accessibility and simplicity. Need a small sum or up to $5,000? Speedle makes it a breeze. Our rates and options are as competitive as your dance moves on a Saturday night.

Starting your Speedle story
Eligibility for a Speedle Loan

Everyone deserves a fair go, and that's our motto. Smart loans designed for everyone – why not give it a spin?

A Fresh Start After Bankruptcy

Past challenges are so yesterday! If you've danced with bankruptcy, we're still here for your next financial groove.

How Much Can You Borrow with Speedle?

Flexibility is our middle name – from $500 to $5,000, we tailor our loans to match your financial rhythm.

Getting Started with Speedle

Just a sprinkle of basic details – personal, banking, and income. Our process is as straightforward as a picnic in the park.

Credit Checks at Speedle

Yep, we do credit checks, but we're not sticklers. We focus on your current financial health and potential, not just the score.

Speedle's Electronic Statement Submission

Digital and secure – our process is like your favorite song, saving you time and hassle.

Understanding How Speedle Works
Defining Your Credit Limit

Your credit limit reflects our commitment to responsible lending, tailored to your financial vibes.

Accessing Your Available Credit

Easy management and access – we've got your financial flexibility covered.

Increasing the size of your Loan?

Dreaming bigger? Check your eligibility for a larger loan. It's just a few clicks away in our Member's Area.

Applying for More with Speedle

Already part of the Speedle family? Dive into the Member's Area for more loan options – we're here to fuel your financial growth.

Understanding Partial Approvals

Custom-fitted loan offers – you get what's right for you, not just what you apply for.

Reapplying After a Decline

Life is about second chances. If your circumstances change, we're here for your encore.

The Speedle Loan Engine

Our smart loan engine works day and night to find the perfect credit limit, focusing on your needs and financial wellbeing.

Repayments and Fees with a Smile
Transparent Costs at Speedle

No surprises! Our fee structure is as clear as a day at the beach – check out our rates and terms.

Determining Your Repayment Amount

Tailored repayments that groove with your loan amount and financial rhythm.

Making Repayments Effortlessly

Automated repayments synced with your pay cycle – managing your loan has never been smoother.

Understanding APR at Speedle

Straightforward and competitive APR, reflecting our commitment to fair and transparent lending.

Scheduling Your Repayments

Synced with your income cycle for a financial dance without missteps.

No Hidden Costs – Just Honesty

Clarity is our jam! All details laid out in your loan schedule, so you can plan with confidence.

Navigating Missed Repayments

Life happens – talk to us, and let's find solutions together to avoid unnecessary fees and stress.

Receiving Your Funds with Speedle
Speedy Fund Transfer

After approval, we aim to transfer your funds within 60 seconds. Most banks will have your funds ready in a jiffy. Check your account a couple of minutes later for peace of mind.

Bank Processing Variations

Banks have their own groove, so transfer times might vary. But no worries, we're on top of it.

After-Hours Approvals

Missed the daytime cutoff? Your funds will be there the next business day, ready and waiting.